
Akwasi Aboagye blàsts Sonnie Badu for disrespecting Kweku Oteng “Komot for there. You’re Sonnie Badu and so what”

The host of Entertainment Review on Peace FM, Akwasi Aboagye, has expressed his anger and disaffection at Dr. Sonnie Badu for crying out loud about a failed sponsorship deal from Kweku Oteng towards his Rhythms of Africa Musical Concert.

He believes that Sonnie Badu’s “plenty talks” towards Dr Kweku Oteng after the concert, is a clear sign of disrespect and arrogance.

“Dr. Kwaku Oteng promised you a sponsorship package for your concert but failed to honour it and so what. You’re Dr. Sonnie Badu so he should bow to you or what. Do you know the numbers of people who are struggling for sponsorship and are not getting it. He should get lost!, ha said, while hosting his Entertainment Review today on Peace FM.

Akwasi Aboagye the darling boy further stated that “even the expensive Rolex Watch could be a turn off for Dr Kweku Oteng who might think that you have enough money to do it yourself because poor broke people don’t wear Rolex watch. He should keep quite over there”.

Adding his voice, Counselor Lutterodth who was a panelist on the program questioned Dr. Sonnie Badu about the sale of his Rolex Watch saying “So who bought that watch and did he pay taxes on it? Where did he sell and how much did he get it. Sonnie needs to give us further and better details about the sale of his Rolex Watch” Counselor Lutherodth queried”.

It would be recalled that Dr. Sonnie Badu expressed his disappointment at Dr. Kweku Oteng CEO of Angel Group of Companies, for failing to pick his calls over a sponsorship deal Dr. Oteng promised him towards his musical concert which was held on 10th December and well-attended.

George Maxwell Hayford

George Maxwell Hayford is a Ghanaian Journalist with over 21 years experience in the profession. His cardinal principle is that there is no neutral ground.

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