
Afia Schwarzenegger is a drüg addïct, heavy drunkard and a dôg. Föòlish girl – Akua Amoakoa firès Afia Schwar

Former Winner of Ghana’s Most Beautiful Beauty Pageant, Sally Akua Amoakoa popularly knows as Akua Most Beautiful, has firèd back at Afia Schwar for insulting her.

According to Sally Akua Amoakoa, an ex wife of business mogul Dr. Kweku Oteng, Afia Schwar is a drug addict, a drunkard and a dog whose objective is to tarnish peoples image.

In a Facebook post some few hours ago, Akua Most Beautiful dropped details of how Afia Schwarzenegger started envying her.

it would be recalled that Afia Schwarzenegger recently accused Sally Akua Amoakoa of sleeping with seven men while she was still married to Dr. Kweku Oteng.

This wild allegation subsequently triggered extremely-quite Akua Most Beautiful to fire back to Afia Schwarzenegger.

Read the full statement from Sally below:

Today , i will tell the world the reason behind the stray dog’s constant rants on social media, first and foremost sweetie stop parading yourself as my ex friends cos I don’t make friends with pigs and dogs. I was your madam and that is what i will be to you till your death. Now when the acid issue came out, i was part of the first people to get the video obviously from the person that sent you after me but i sat on it .

I was asked to fire you from angel tv but i pleaded with him to let us take you off tv and continue your job as the programs manager because you have kids and during that time girl, you were starving.

Three weeks later, i got a cal from the same person who asked me to fire you to hand over our novel telenovella to you to host and I objected. Reason being that, your own show which was aired on tv during prime time couldn’t attract a single sponsor since no brand would want their brand to be associated with you.

Why then do i give a show which was expected to be our cash cow to such a person to host ” the chat room”. According to you, when i was having this conversation with the man, you were with him in the office and the phone was on speaker out so you heard my every word and you got peeved by that.

You came back to the office some days after that conversation to demand for the drive that had the show on and I declined. Of course why will i give a drive that contained such an important content to an addict and a drunk. You got angry , left and never came back to angel tv. That is when you started attacking me.

Listen if i am to make a decision again regarding this issue, i will still take the same stance.
When you called that midnight that your ex husband had come threatening you with acid, i made a call to three different police station.

Unfortunately they all got there at the same time , this infuriated them and i had to apologize to them because thats not the normal practice.
Stray dog listen, don’t ever think you scare me cos you don’t , i was just respecting myself , my kids and the dignity of their father but this time, its war on.

George Maxwell Hayford

George Maxwell Hayford is a Ghanaian Journalist with over 21 years experience in the profession. His cardinal principle is that there is no neutral ground.

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