
I am better than Cristiano Ronaldo so don’t compare him to me – Don Bortey

Former Hearts of Oak deadly striker, Bernard Don Bortey has claimed he is a better free-kick taker compared to Al-Nasar’s Cristiano Ronaldo.

In addition to his exceptional goal-scoring abilities during his playing days, the native of Teshie in Accra, was renowned for his dead-ball expertise which he firmly believes cannot be compared to Cristiano Ronaldo.

He however suggested that players like Ronaldinho, Roberto Carlos, David Beckham, Pirlo, and Juninho should be mentioned in discussions about free-kick prowess.

Speaking in an interview with Mothers FM in Accra, he disclosed that, “Ronaldo lags noticeably. I played during the time of Beckham and Juninho, but Ronaldo was still very young and came off the bench. You must contrast me with Roberto Carlos, Figo, Pirlo, Totti, Juninho, Ronaldinho, and others but not with Ronaldo,”.

Don Bortey added that “If our era were today, I would be the best in the world, but I am grateful to God for bringing me this far. The name ‘Dong Borety’ will last forever.”

George Maxwell Hayford

George Maxwell Hayford is a Ghanaian Journalist with over 21 years experience in the profession. His cardinal principle is that there is no neutral ground.

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