
Alhaji In Tears: Another man has been chopping my wife for 22 years though we’re married for 35 years. I need DNA tests on my kids

An Alhaji man in Kumasi called Alhaji Abass, believed to be in his 60s, has shared a very sad story about how his dear wife has been cheating on him since they got married.

According to him, another man has been having an affair with his wife for over 22 years although the wife has always denied having an extra marital affairs.

Alhaji Abass told Aunite Naa on Oyerepa FM that, “I have been married to my wife for over 35 years but the sad and disheartening thing is that there is a man who has seriously been having intercourse with my wife for over twenty two years even though we have kids. What she does is, anytime she travels to Mankranso or Bechem for a funeral, my wife would then go and sleep with her lover. So I decided to trap her in order to get enough evidence to nail her”.

With tears rolling down his eyes, he disclosed to Auntie Naa how he came up with a trap to catch his cheating wife.

“I installed an automatic call recorder on her phone without her knowledge and that was how I  managed to catch her to get enough evidence to pin her down. She almost collapsed when I  played all her conversations with her lover to her because I transferred all their call recordings to my phone. I am currently thinking of having DNA tests on my kids because it hurts soo much after 35 years of marriage”.

George Maxwell Hayford

George Maxwell Hayford is a Ghanaian Journalist with over 21 years experience in the profession. His cardinal principle is that there is no neutral ground.

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