
Miss IT Ghana Beauty Pageant Slated For 28th April at Pentecost Convention Centre

The Maiden Edition of the Miss IT Ghana Beauty Pageant 2024, has been slated for the 28th of April at Pentecost Convention Centre.

The beauty pageant which seeks to empower women in their various IT fields has been described by industry players as being very innovative.

Speaking to the Project Manager for the Beauty Pageant, Mr. Adzigbli Michael Elorm, he expressed his optimism about the pageant.

“The Miss IT Ghana Beauty Pageant is here to stay because of its innovative approach to empowering women in IT. We believe that we can use this pageant to bridge the gap in this male-dominated field”, he told NewGhanaOnline.

He further added that, “We will also take them through some training in order to equip them with logistics so that they can excel in their various skills of endeavors”.

On the night of 28th April at the Pentecost Convention Centre, six contestants – drawn from the various tertiary institutions across the country will be competing for the Crown.

Some Special Guests who would be gracing the event are Miss Victoria Amakwaa CEO, Simvic Communications, Miss Mavis AKOLBILA
KNUST Women’s Commissioner, Miss Preprah Mensah, Pentecost University Women’s Commissioner, Miss Boateng Sarpomaa
Takoradi Technical University Women’s Commissioner, Queen Selorm Magdalene Gadah
Ghana Most Beautiful Winner 2023 and Miss Quayson, Professional Teacher.

The rest are Miss Thelma Laryea, Cloud Engineer, Miss Pearl Akondor – Business Analyst, Miss Yvonne Adobea Osei – KNUST SRC President, and Dcns . Prof. Gladys Quartey – NEC Member, Women’s Ministry – The Church of Pentecost.

Others include Daniel DAVISTON – CEO Ghana International Awards, Hon. Samuel George Nartey Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram, Queen Nana Yaa Tamea Ampomah – Miss Fokuo 2024 Winner and Mr Patrick Boahen – CEO, Kinofos Entertainment.

This maiden edition of the Miss IT Ghana Beauty Pegeant has also attracted some key media personalities including Miss Dumas Jennifer – adoa tv, Miss Naa Collison – adoa tv, Maxwell Mensah – adoa tv, and Bernard Kontoh- adoa tv.

The others are Anfred – adoa tv, Joseph- adoa tv, Nana Kwame – Homebase tv, Tish Gaza slim- Homebase tv and P.S – Homebase tv.

The 2024  Miss IT Ghana Beauty Pegeant will see some from Fosua’s Art Ministry, The Church of Pentecost, James McKeown Temple – Haatso Area and Boggie Down Squad led by Nana Kwame. They will also be supported by some Band Ministration Mozaato Instrumentals.

The event is organized by Elorms Media and Events Hub.

George Maxwell Hayford

George Maxwell Hayford is a Ghanaian Journalist with over 21 years experience in the profession. His cardinal principle is that there is no neutral ground.

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