
Kasoa Sub-Chief allegedly shôts and kïlls Soldier over land dispute at Millennium City

A sub Chief at Kasoa in the Central Region, Benlord Ababio alias Nana Ben, has shot and killed a military officer over land dispute.

The sad incident which occurred on Tuesday, April 30 at Millennium City area, saw two other officers narrowly escaping death.

The deceased together with the two other officers are believed to have confronted some individuals working on a land claimed to have been purchased by one of the officers.

Winnebo Ndego, the individual who is said to have facilitated the land transaction confirmed the purchase of the land by one of the officers.

However, Ndego said the officers since buying the land have faced opposition from a group of individuals led by Fiifi, alleged to be a land guard and have prevented further development of the land by the officers.

Despite previous reports made by the officers to the police, the situation remained unresolved.

On Tuesday, April 30, the officers visited the land only to find out that a group of workers have been stationed and working at the site.

They urged them to cease their activities and accompany them to the police station for resolution of the matter.

However, the workers disagreed and this escalated the arguments. The officers then decided to return to the police station for a follow-up on their initial report.

Upon reaching the police station, they were informed by an officer on duty that their case had been forwarded to the Central East Regional Police Command.

The officers decided to proceed to the Regional command and follow up on their case, as they proceeded, they were allegedly ordered by one Benlord Ababio alias Nana Ben who is said to be a sub-chief to stop following up on the case.

However, the officers refused and decided to drive to the Regional Command and follow up on their initial report.

Nana Ben allegedly opened fire on the vehicle, a private Toyota RAV4 car with registration number GR 3591-24, killing one of the soldiers instantly as they attempted to drive to the Regional Command.

The body of the officer has been transported to the hospital and police investigation is yet to commence on the incident.

The Ghana Armed Forces is also yet to comment on the unfortunate death of one of its officers.

George Maxwell Hayford

George Maxwell Hayford is a Ghanaian Journalist with over 21 years experience in the profession. His cardinal principle is that there is no neutral ground.

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